What the public like, share, digg...

You might have seen that most pages on this website provide social opportunities to like, share and generally give a thumbs up to my articles.

This page lists those that get voted by the readers as being useful and worthy of sharing with others. If you find any of them useful, then don't forget to add your vote into the mix.

If you have an idea for an article you think will be popular, then contact me and I may be able to write it up.

Your pages title and meta description are often used by Google when they display search results (SERP).

Check out how your website pages may look in Google with this FREE online preview tool.

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It often happens. Someone gets a URL wrong or a file is removed and it ends up people are sent to pages that don't exist.

This tool checks if your website is doing the right thing by returning a 404 Missing Page status code when this happens.

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Ensuring your website responds to requests correctly can be very important. Especially with SEO and the way you redirect requests to a new page.

This HTTP Header Checker tool checks the responses you are sending so you can make sure your doing the right thing.

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Manually creating RewriteRules for a .htaccess file can be time consuming and error prone. This tool generates the rules for you.

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